Agriculture and Forestry Directory

Exclusively carrying Allflex brand cattle ear tags, electronic ID tags, and electronic id readers. All styles including custom tags, matched pair tags, and USDA / official ID tags. Also available are Allflex syringes and CattleMax cattle software

Livestock management software for managing registered and commercial beef cattle operations of all sizes. Free trial available.

Online e-commerce store carrying a full line of Tru-Test brand livestock weigh scales and electronic id readers. Also includes a Guide to Buying Livestock Scales to help ranchers choose the right set of scales.

A leading company in integrating forest products company, with operations in North America and France. We deliver the best in market pulp, wood pulp, dissolving pulp, and much more.

We manufacture nh3 (anydrous ammonia) products and equipment in a full line of valves, fittings, manifolds and flow control devices.

Gamekeeper & smallholder supplies - poultry rearing equipment for chickens, pheasants, ducks, quails and partridges. everything from feeders & vermin control to shooting equipment and electric fencing.

Patio Magic has been a leader in stonework for more than 15 years. Specialized in paving stone, retaining walls, ponds and waterfalls. Contact us today to arrange a quote!

Goldworks International UK Ltd specializes in used trucks and lorries for sale. We supply affordable, high-quality agricultural equipment with our impressive inventory.

Progressive Farm Products, Inc. is the first and only manufacturer offering conservation tillage equipment designed specifically for strip till applications. Since 1981, Progressive has been the industry leader in strip till farming!

Classifieds ads of used farm equipment and machinery including tractors, combine harvesters, seed drills, tillage machines, Self-propelled forage harvesters.

Wet Earth provides quality premium brand irrigation products and rain water tanks at discounted prices. Online ordering and delivery Australia wide.

UK based manufacturers of agricultural harvesting equipment, livestock and ground care machinery from stripper headers to muck spreaders.

Natural granite white landscaping stone cobbles from Colorado.

Jardiniers wide range of waterproof decorative containers, planter boxes and roof top gardens, used in conjunction with our patented sub-irrigation systems, reduce water usage and maintenance costs.

Protecting your greenhouses, plants and vineyards from frost, birds and keeping them shaded.