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DUI Lawyer Directory

Directory Business Law Lawyers DUI Lawyer
1 - 15 of 32 websites in DUI Lawyer Category
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Criminal Defense Attorney Connecticut

At The Sills Law Firm, we are dedicated to achieving the specific goals of each individual client in the most effective and efficient manner. Utilizing our experience combined with an aggressive and innovative approach, our attorneys strive to deliver a client experience combining the results and...

 645 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT, 06105
 (866) 970-9818
Toronto Dui Lawyer

A DUI & criminal defence lawyer in Toronto specializing in impaired driving.

 Suite 606, 130 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2L4
 (647) 465-7875
Trey Porter Law

Trey Porter Law is a San Antonio Criminal Defense firm focused on representing individuals charged with Intoxication Offenses, including DWI, DUI, and Public Intoxication.

 816 Camaron St. Suite 124, San Antonio, Texas, 78212
Winnipeg Dui Lawyer

If you need help with “Impaired Causing” and Blood Samples, Care and Control, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Breath Demands and Sobriety Tests or Right to Counsel contact our Winnipeg DUI lawyer today.

 #183 Kennedy St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 1S6
 (204) 333-3997
Phoenix Criminal Attorney

Phoenix Criminal Attorney Law Firm specialize specifically in criminal defense law and have over 27 years of experience. We have handled many cases and take pride in defending people accused of crimes, including police officers, sheriffs, SWAT officers, Border Patrol agents, and Department of...

 2627 N. 3rd St. Suite 102A, Phoenix, AZ, 85016
Orange County Dui Attorney

Over the years, the lawyers at the Orange County DUI Attorney have delivered superior criminal defense representation to our clients. The attorneys at our firm have handled many complicated criminal cases and have managed to establish a track record of success in handling the cases. This track...

 4000 MacArthur Blvd East Tower Suite #602, Newport Beach, CA, 92660
Red Deer Dui Lawyer - Impaired Driving Lawyer

A criminal defense lawyer based in Red Deer, Alberta specializing in impaired driving.

 #200 4728 Ross St., Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 1X2
Edmonton Dui Lawyer - Dui Law

A criminal defense lawyer based in Edmonton, Alberta specializing in impaired driving.

 Suite #201, 10209 - 97th St NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0L6
Calgary Dui Lawyer - Impaired Driving Law

A criminal defense lawyer based in Calgary, Alberta specializing in impaired driving.

 302 - 325 25th St SE., Calgary, Alberta, T2A 7H8
 866 912-3560
Long Beach Dui Lawyers

Aggressive long beach dui lawyer helping you stay out of jail

 11620 Wilshire Blvd, los angeles, Ca, 90025
The San Diego Dui Defense Pros

Experienced dui defense attorneys helping those in san diego county

 1010 2nd Ave, 17th Floor, san diego, California, 92101
Dui Law in Toronto Ontario

A DUI & criminal defence lawyer in Toronto specializing in impaired driving.

 Suite 606, 130 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2L4
 1 (647) 465-7875
Dwi Lawyers

Let LawyerLocator help you find a lawyer locally with the know-how for any of your DWI or legal needs.
Marin and Barrett, Inc.

We are a boutique criminal defense law firm in Rhode Island that prides ourselves on our personalized service. With over 20 years of combined experience we have are Rhode Island's premiere criminal defense law firm. We provide criminal defense representation for drug crimes, theft, dui, dwi, drunk...

 127 Dorrance Street Penthouse Suite, Providence, RI, 02903
CT Dui Lawyer

Attorney Matthew Marin is a Connecticut DUI Defense Lawyer representing those accused of Drunk Driving and other alcohol related traffic offenses.
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