CAD Directory

Sells engineering computer aided design software and services including programs for 3D printing.

The CAD Corporation is a South African Autodesk software partner and solutions provider.

Autodesk, Inc. is an industry leader in developing innovative design technologies for a wide variety of industries. Autodesk's broad portfolio of 3D design software has benefitted professionals in the manufacturing, architecture, building & construction, and media & entertainment sectors.

Pneumatic Tips offers news and information about pneumatics, pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic valves, pneumatic actuators and more.

Solid Solutions have over 10 years experience providing SolidWorks support, they also offer full training packages for SolidWorks, CosmosWorks and PDMWorks in all of its 6 award winning training centre across the UK.

A large community offering free AutoCAD advice, tips and tutorials as well as careers in CAD.

High Quality 3D furniture models for architectural and interior visualization. 3D interior visuals and animations services.Free models available

Professional PCB Design System with easy-to-learn user interface

Software for the creation of spare parts catalogue and spare parts, consultation over the web and cd-rom and paper, management of the order of store and discounts, exploded drawings, manual working.

Able Graphic Manager is a program that enables you to easily view, acquire, print and convert DXF files.