Customer Relationship Management Directory

Online, web based crm software. Powerful ASP based solution for businesses of all sizes.

Gandlake provides a suite of web services that enable secure online access to every department in your organisation encouraging as much interaction as possible through a secure and convenient web channel rather than over the phone or face to face. These hosted online services are accessed through...

OpenLink - CTRM Software - Real-time monitoring software to allow companies to identify and manage risk more effectively. Includes monitoring and management of credit-for physical positions, exchange-traded and OTC derivatives. Build customised risk reports and suitable for managers, traders...

Sales lead management software and CRM from Blitz Lead Manager allows you to keep track of follow-ups, set email reminders, convert sales leads, and more.

Pythagoras is the UK's leading provider of CRM systems. We are experts in Microsoft CRM, Sage CRM, ACT and SalesLogix. We have a wide range of CRM services from installation to CRM consultancy.

Provides Sales, Consulting and Internet based training of GoldMine CRM software and ACT!.

Soffront is the best-integrated CRM solution spanning sales, marketing, order processing, help desk, knowledge base and back-end integration for mid-size businesses. Soffront is fully web-based, built to adapt and is deployed in days.

Email CRM software from FocalScope enhances response management efficiency and streamlines workflow of employees.