Shareware Directory

Free software downloads of freeware and shareware.

You can edit icons and other small images and customize desktop and folder icons.

Incredible addictive collapse game. Challenge your skills in five game modes.

Any to Icon converts images into icons and extracts icons from libraries.

This program performs computer configuration analysis.

Convert,split,and join WMV to AVI, MPEG,VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV.

Tracks Batting, Pitching, and Fielding stats, creates player stat reports & more.

The CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor is a free drag and drop Editor with FTP.

Import QuickBooks Data. Print 1099 and W2 Forms on plain paper and disk.

Convert,split,and join Quicktime(MOV, QT) to AVI, MPEG, WMV, DVD VCD format.

ShuricScan: Copies must be found and killed! Fast and smart!

An advanced software promotion utility for professional shareware developers.

Powerful Google-like search engine for finding documents stored in your PC.

Rental Property Manager: Rental Management made easy.