Senior Health Directory

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Life Line Screening provides preventive medical screening services and health knowledge to help people lead healthier, fuller lives.

The Life Line Screening Blog provides timely news, articles, events and more, from the leaders in health screening.

If you need to hire home health care services, get information from your family, friends or browse online to get a right provider who understands your need and you feel comfortable to deal with.

Provides families with free recommendations and advice about senior care providers and payment options. Includes a comprehensive directory with more than 50,000 communities. Experienced care advisors provide tools and reviews of the best communities.

Provides a range of senior care tools to adult children of aging parents who need the latest information on quality nursing homes, assisted and independent living facilities, and home health care providers across the country.

Whether you have lived with chronic pain for years or have just been diagnosed, find the information you need to get power over your pain. Learn about spinal cord stimulation and its benefits from ANS, a St. Jude Medical company.

Freedom Eldercare is a full service, licensed private pay home health care company offering quality and cost effective Home Health Care, Geriatric Care Management, Senior Residential Options, and Professional Education services.

Senior solutions offers geriatric care management, elderly products and elder health tips in south Florida.

Providing professional geriatric care management including custom services for independent seniors as well as those needing assisted living services in the south east area.

Nursing homes directory with rankings, comparisons and statistics. Inspection results, resident details, and staff qualifications are also provided.

Resources for home nursing care products and books or choosing a nursing home for your loved ones.

Providing quality, affordable elderly care housing and services to seniors in Marietta, Georgia. Stable staff, delicious Southern meals, excellent reputation. Selected Marietta's Business of the Year.

Anti-Aging Medicine, HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Bio-Identical Hormones