Humor Directory

Daily updated news about funny things, jokes, quotes, videos and much more

Free download of celebrity prank phone calls made using voice samples from the movies.

A large collection of ethnic Mexican jokes, funny Mexican pictures and quizzes.

Site offering cool random facts from its collection of 1363 interesting facts. Random facts are displayed on the site, or optionally emailed to visitors by request.

Hero Decks are caricature decks of your favorite athletes categorized by sports and cities. New decks are being created monthly.

Die wahre Geschichte über die Hommingberger Gepardenforelle. Erfahren Sie, warum die Hommingberger Gepardenforelle fast ausgestorben wäre.

Funny homepage for news, embarassing stories, jokes, funny quotes, cool websites, celeb gossip, & polls.

Jokes, fun stories and humor about sex, scots, policemen, doctors and so on, to make your days more amusing and relaxed.

Home to the best funny flash animations and games on the web. It contains links to content submitted through the platform in addition to external links to funny flash animations and games throughout the web.

Some Jokes : Funny Jokes & Pictures is the web's biggest fun site - Thousands of searchable, rated, and categorized jokes. Plus: Online Games & Favorite Destination Wallpapers!

Bask in the light of our silliness. Dave's column, relationship advice, ethics (?) and rampant idiocy. Plus Ponch. We've definitely filled our quota of Ponch over here.

Archives of thousands of funny pictures, jokes, flash files, greeting cards, comics, and other fun stuff that will keep you laughing for hours!

A blog about my experience working at Taco Bell. Fun, and of course drama. Don't miss out on the fun at Taco Bell.