English as a Second Langauge Directory

Speak English, Learn to speak English free.

Offers TOEFL tutoring services, including online tutoring, as well as TOEFL exercises.

Provides information on teaching English overseas, how to find TEFL jobs, and the types of certification required. There are also ideas on types of ESL activities and how to teach English.

LanguageCorps, Inc. offers a variety of TEFL/TESOL Certification Programs across the globe for people interested in travel, internationalism, and to teach English abroad.

TEFL certification school offers monthly English teacher training certificate program.

Teach & Travel Worldwide. Train in Prague. 4-week internationally recognized TEFL certificate course. Job assistance worldwide. Courses offered monthly.

Learn and explore the English language with topics such as poetry, stories, medical and business English, letter writing, grammar, vocabulary, essay composition and general chit chat. Learn English with help from volunteer teachers.

Alpha College offers top quality English language courses for students in Dublin City Centre, Ireland.

Software for students preparing for the Cambridge exams First Certificate, CAE, CPE and BEC. Each program contains 500+ exercises, 5 mock exams and a 5,000-word multilingual audio dictionary. Demos downloadable.

This site provides free help and cheap practice material for students of the IELTS exam.

Free resources for English as a second language students and teachers including free online classes, quizzes, message boards, and lesson plans.