Romania Directory

Our company imports all kinds of chairs, including office chairs, bar stools, dining chairs, relaxing chairs, massage chairs and ergonomic chairs. is a user-friendly search engine that leverages an extensive, daily updated businesses database, by offering its users relevant information and map positioning for companies searched, according to the specific category and location input.

Leader Investments & Consulting SA intends to act as a link between the foreign investor and business opportunities in Romania which are becoming increasingly attractive.

Site specializat in publicarea anunturilor de vanzari auto second hand. Publicarea anunturilor se poate face gratuit dupa ce utilizatorul isi creeaza un cont pe baza unei adrese de email.

We are sole distributor on the Romanian market for the valves Bolder Valve, manufacturer having an old tradition in the branch of industrial fittings.

Piscine,reparatii piscine,montaj piscine,livram instalam piscine fibra sticla, montaj echipamente piscina,intretineri periodice piscine,reparatii instalatii piscine,amenajari gradini,reparatii si intretineri ambarcatiuni

Offers accounting solutions for romanian companies. Also develops software on demand.

Cainii inteligenti merg la scoala! Servicii: Predresaj; socializare; dresaj companie; dresaj paza si protectie; consultanta probleme de comportament.

Single and double girder overhead cranes, hoists and components.

Many articles about seduction and attraction.

Kevin Software & Design is a Romanian based company founded at the end of 2002, in Bucharest. It creates software products and professional web sites, providing offshore software development services and web design outsourcing.

This portal means over 1,700 objectives from Cluj belonging to various categories, display in 8 foreign languages, interactive digital map, useful information, latest news and leisure time activities.

Bucharest Travel Guide-quality services (tested and recommended by our team). Discount coupons available for hotels, restaurants, car rental, casinos, bars, massage and nightclubs.

Romanian tour operator providing personalized travel solutions including leisure and business travel arrangements all over Romania: Bucharest and main cities, Transylvania, Danube Delta, Black Sea Coast, Maramures or Bucovina.