Childrens Books Directory

Personalized Children's Books, Personalized Music, Personalized Photo DVDs where your child is the star of their very own story, music CD and cartoon. Personalized books promote self-esteem in children because they become the stars and heroes of their very own personalized story. Our products are...

Lists of highly rated, award winning children's books -- sorted by subjects. Created for teachers, homeschoolers, and parents to help them find the best children's books on SPECIFIC topics. Compiled by teachers who love teaching with children's books.

A child's imagination is one of the most important ways they learn and grow. Personalized children's books are a great way to help enhance their imagination by making them the star in their very own story.

Mediak Music offers personalized kids music, soothing lullabies, entertaining sports CDs and personalized story books featuring your child's name integrated into the lyrics or story line.