Local and Long Distance Carriers Directory

Get instant access to cheap international calls and discount mobile calls with JustCall.

Get instant access to cheap international calls and discounted mobile calls from First Number.

Phone.com offers, low cost home and small business phone services including toll free 800 numbers using innovative technology. Our services are supported by a 24/7 customer support team.

Vopium allows you to save 40-90% when making international calls or sending SMS from your mobile phone in your home country - and this without changing your current operator or SIM-card.

One month free service. Local and Unlimited Long Distance in the USA and Canada for $19.95 per month. Low rates on international calls.

Provides information and quotes on discount local phone services, long distance phone services, cell phone services and VOIP, DSL, T1, T3, OC3, OC12, and OC48 circuits in the United States.