Price Per Ounce Calculator the real value of items by calculating their price per ounce. This smartphone-enabled website allows you to choose among the cheapest items per ounce whilst at the shop. Write pounds, ounces, and price of each item in the corresponding fields, and compute its value per ounce. Say you are in the market for a can of baked beans, and a few products are available on the shelves: 0.23lb for $2.95; 4oz for $3.00; or 7.2oz for $5.99. Which one offers the best value per ounce? - The answer is the 4oz can at $3.00, because it works out at 75 cents per ounce. The Price Per Ounce Calculator can also be used to compare the prices of many other dry items sold in packages of various sizes. Contrarily to common expectations, the largest packaging is not always the cheapest per ounce. In some cases, a smaller container may actually offer better value. In other cases, the box is much larger than the actual item, making comparisons difficult. allows consumers to compare the price per ounce and defeat deceiving marketing practices.