Custom Kitchen Cabinet Doors Australia
https://www.thekitchendoorcompany.com.au/The founders of The Kitchen Door Company started manufacturing kitchen doors for the cabinet making industry back in 2002. Driven by adopting technology they were the first company to have a website launch in 2004 where cabinet makers could order doors, frames and drawer fronts online, the website would automatically calculate sizing, pricing and delivery time requests instantly and effortlessly, this website is still in use today by many cabinet makers in Perth. All our Doors are made from Australian Made MR (Moisture Resistant) 16mm and 18mm MDF substrates with well over 500 different colours, finishes, designs to choose we endeavour to bring our customers the very latest of trends at very competitive pricing. Our range is expansive however If you still can’t find something on our website then please give us a call on (08) 9456 3108 and we will let you know the availably of exactly what you are looking for.
- 20 Mordaunt Circuit Canning Vale
- Canning Vale
- Western Australia
- 6155
- Australia