Record Expungement Attorney
https://www.sanbernardinoexpungement.comAt Record Expungement Attorney, we can assess your situation legally, in regard to expungement and related record clearing actions, and determine which approach offers you the most benefits. We can then help you apply and guide you through the whole process, step by step, to a successful conclusion that will improve your record and help prevent background checks from hampering your future. If you are interested in learning more about record expungement and related matters, do not hesitate to contact us 24/7 by calling 909-965-4033 for a free initial consultation. Or, feel free to meet with us in person at our office located at 473 E. Carnegie Drive Suite 200, in San Bernardino, California. We look forward to helping you put your past behind you.
- Listing ID#197710
- Listing TypeExpress
- AddedAug 26, 2018
- 473 E Carnegie Dr #200
- San Bernardino
- California
- 92408
- United States