![Flat Fee MLS](/data/thumbs/0000198000/100/pic_0000198154.thumb.300.jpg)
Directory | Business | Real Estate | For Sale By Owner |
Flat Fee MLS
http://www.flatfeemlssells.com/List your home on the MLS today for as low as $79. Call us today to inquire. 561-903-6902 Receive a professional MLS listing in your local MLS with all the information that 6% agents provide, PLUS all the cost saving benefits of selling as a FSBO "For Sale By Owner" for a flat fee of as low as $79.
- Listing ID#198154
- Listing TypeExpress
- AddedNov 15, 2018
- 1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
- Boynton Beach
- FL
- 33426
- United States