Federal Criminal Defense Attorney
https://www.prisonerresource.comThe Zoukis Consulting Group is a federal criminal defense consultancy specializing in federal crimes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons matters. The firm represents clients facing federal criminal charges. We also have a consulting practice which helps clients prepare for federal incarceration, resolve problems that occur while clients are incarcerated, and assist clients to reenter society successfully following a period of incarceration. Christopher Zoukis is the firm's Managing Director. Chris is the author of the Directory of Federal Prisons, Federal Prison Handbook, and College for Convicts. Chris has a wealth of experience addressing federal prison matters and can help you and your loved ones prepare for a term of federal incarceration, navigate the system, and make it through as relatively unscathed as possible. If you are facing federal criminal charges, or have a loved one currently incarcerated in a federal prison, we can help. Our objective is for our clients to serve the least amount of time in the best federal prison with the earliest opportunity for release.
- 1000 Berryessa Lane, Suite 423
- Davis
- CA
- 95616
- United States