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NET1 UEPS Technologies | Founded in 1997 by Serge Belamant
Directory Business Financial Services Merchant Services

NET1 UEPS Technologies | Founded in 1997 by Serge Belamant

NET1 UEPS Technologies is the creator of Universal Electronic Payment Systems that provides offline financial transaction capabilities. This company is a global organization that distributes web and mobile applications and payment processing capabilities all around the world, including the United Kingdom, United States, Philippine Islands, Namibia, Nigeria, and India. In developing economies, it enables un-banked individuals to receive welfare benefits, wages, loans, and money transfers, among other financial transactions.

  • Listing ID#202410
  • Listing TypeExpress-5
  • AddedNov 16, 2020
  • 4th Floor President Place Cnr Jan Smuts Ave & Bolton Road
  • Rosebank
  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa